Hospital Part 2
Tira brought Codex back to his room and, on the way, found a nurse to help her help attach the monitor's tube on his hand again.
Codex noticed that every Polymath in the clinic had Red Skin except the Dr. he just met.
After making sure that Codex was ok in bed, Tira took out her phone and called her higher-ups.
When she finished, she got her tablet to check something, but there was no response.
"Did it break? But it is one of our last models."
She put it to charge and saw that it had no battery.
"Weird. I could swear it was like at 50%. Should ask if there was anything like that happened in any other products or it can be a serious problem for our company."
She sat at the chair next to Codex, who was just looking towards her.
She didn't know what to say as she was never good at talking with anyone. She liked it when she read a story to him, but he couldn't answer back until now.
"Eeeehm.... do you want something to eat or drink?"
She didn't know what to say, but it seemed like she would be with this boy for some more time, so they should get used to each other.
Codex shook his head to show that he didn't need anything.
Then the awkward silence was interrupted by some panels appearing in front of Codex's face.
Remote hacking succeeded.
R-Tech Hacking Proficiency raised to 2.
Upgraded appraise info on the technology of type R-Tech.
Because the hack was remote, it did not add the target to the Journal.
Nanobot #8172 got destroyed from a lack of power while away from the main body.
It seemed the little buddy of his succeeded in its mission. But it got destroyed from being away from him for too long.
It seemed like the one called Tira couldn't see the panels as she didn't react to their appearance.
Codex tried to understand what all these messages were referring to, and then it was when he could hear the voice inside him telling him one world.
As he thought the world, a new panel opened of blue color, making it different from the white ones that appeared until now.
Name: NONE
HP: 100 (100%)
SP: 20 (100%)
TP: 1 (10%)
Strength: 15
Agility: 15
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 5
R-Tech Hacking: 2
Y-Tech Hacking: 1
B-Tech Hacking: 1
G-Tech Hacking: 1
W-Tech Hacking: 1
D-Tech Hacking: 1
General Tech Hacking: 1
Tech appraise: 1
He focused on the monitor machine once more for its panel to hack it to appear.
Name: Unknown
Do you want to hack it?
Chance of Success: 1.5%
It seemed like now he could tell apart what kind of technology different machines had, and his chance to hack one of R-Tech kind increased, but by a tiny chance.
Again, he didn't take the chance to hack this machine.
He was interested in his status panel and wondered what each of the numbers there was about.
The skills were straightforward, but he wondered how to increase them other than using his nanobots.
He didn't want to waste them, and he wasn't sure if they would always succeed as they probably failed as he had.
He either was lucky that it succeeded, or the chance wasn't that low.
He checked other machines and noticed that they all were R-Tech, but the chance didn't increase the same.
The higher the chance, the least it got increased, with some not having changed at all.
"Would you like to hear a story? My tablet got some power, and I could use it, and I can continue the story I was reading you.... oh, you probably weren't hearing that. Or were you?"
She seemed excited to learn the answer to that question, but she was sad when Codex shook his head once more like a no.
"Well then, do you mind if I read you this story? It is about the old times and the technological achievements back then. I am sure you will find it interesting, Codex."
He was confused about the way she addressed him, and he showed the confusion with his eyes.
"Oh, how careless of me. We weren't able to find your actual name, so I gave you one; Codex. But let's use your proper name. Do you mind writing it since you shouldn't speak?"
She opened a writing app on the tablet and brought it to Codex's hand.
Codex wasn't familiar with that machine, but the voice inside told him it was a tablet, ad device of many functions like the app that currently was open.
Codex took a pen given to him, which was for the tablet, and started writing on the tablet by following some lines that appeared on the screen like someone wanted him to make those letters.
The result was the same name that Tira gave him, Codex.
It wasn't the name given to him by his creator but the one he accepted by the person who took care of him.
This surprised Tira that he wrote it and noticed that his handle with the tablet and writing was quite awkward. It was like he did it for the first time.
"I guess you don't remember your name. I will let Dr. Angler about this, and he may have something for this. So will keep calling you Codex since you seem to like it, but let me know if you remember anything. Since we are talking about named mine is Tira."
She smiled towards him and even put her hand over his head and messed his hair a little.
The nun who raised her did that and found it a sensible thing to do in this situation.
That action confused Codex, but he didn't mind it, and he liked it a bit.
"Well, then, what about the story? You up to hear it?"
Codex nodded as he seemed interested to learn more about this world and its history, even if it was about its long past.
The rest of the day went with listening to stories like that. At some point, Dr. Angler came into his room with a nurse holding some bottles.
They put one bottle in the machine with the monitor as there were some slots for them.
There were mixes of different vitamins and tonic for his body in there, and because its taste wasn't the best, it got administered that way.
Dr. Angler seemed interested by the fact of the boy's amnesia, but it wasn't unheard of for people that were part of his significant accidents to have this kind of side effect.
He still didn't know the reason for the explosion, but he was aware up to this point how big it was, especially since there were pics of the thick metal door blasted on the ground.
He got amazed that the boy was in there and found with just a few burns but no severe physical wounds.
He said that they would make tomorrow some more examinations, but most likely, it will pass with time.
As night came, dinner was brought to Codex even if he wasn't hungry, but it wasn't like he couldn't eat.
Food didn't seem quite tasty as it appeared to be different mashed of a different color each.
He tasted it, and the taste was just bland, but he didn't mind it.
"I am sure you are looking forward to having some actual food, right? I know a place that we can go after you get discharged."
Codex was interested in that actual food she was talking about. He understood what food was about, but it didn't seem like he needed it but didn't know why.
'Maybe it has to do with the machine called monitor?'
New entry added at the Journal.
Entry name: Monitor
Details: Responsible for keep track of something
Cause of the addition of the first entry to the Journal, the Level Up function got activated.
You got the first entry at your Journal without the need of hacking it.
Reward: 1 Stat Point, 10 Exp
Codex was surprised that a single thought of his led to these many panels appearing.
He opened his Status Panel to see if anything changed there.
Name: Codex
Level: 1
HP: 100 (100%)
SP: 20 (100%)
TP: 1 (10%)
Strength: 15
Agility: 15
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 5
Unused Stat Points: 1
R-Tech Hacking: 2
Y-Tech Hacking: 1
B-Tech Hacking: 1
G-Tech Hacking: 1
W-Tech Hacking: 1
D-Tech Hacking: 1
General Tech Hacking: 1
Tech appraise: 1
Journal Entries: 1
It seemed like there were new things to be added to his Status, and probably the more entries he had in his Journal, the more may appear,
The Level that appeared and Exp seemed to affect him somehow but didn't know how yet.
He had to think about what to do with that point he took.
He understood from his voice that it was to increase one of his main stats, but he wasn't sure what each would do, so he decided not to use it for now.
He kept listening to the story of Tira until she fell asleep on the chair while reading.
Codex didn't feel the need for sleep.
He wanted to see if he could find a way to add something to his Journal to see if he would get a new function, but he recognized nothing.
'Wait, maybe I could use the tablet to get some answers.'
New entry added at the Journal.
Entry name: Tablet
Details: A helpful machine to have
Codex waited for more panels to appear, but nothing happened.
It seemed like he needed more.
After some focusing, he sent some of his nanobots to take the tablet and return with it without waking Tira.
It happened quick enough so that none of the nanobots were out of power from being away from him.
He stared at the screen as he wasn't sure what to do until an arrow appeared, pointing at an icon with a magnifying glass.
After pressing it, the screen changed, and the arrow moved towards another button that appeared to have a camera icon.
After he pressed it, it was almost like he could see through the tablet as at the screen there was what was behind the tablet.
He raised the tablet towards the monitor machine, and a button appeared at the screen at the top of it as the machine on the tablet's screen got surrounded by a thin white line like to point its edges.
As he pressed the button, the screen changed. Now there was a pic of the machine and some text under it.
Entry updated at the Journal.
Entry name: Monitor RH-042 (R-Tech)
It seemed like the tablet could recognize the different machines and lead him to what the voices called 'an article' for that machine containing more information about it.
Codex smiled as it seemed like he hit the jackpot, whatever this meant.